Employer Details

Employer Name: Fisher Investments
Business Description: Investment Management
Employer Address: 1450 Fashion Is Blvd # 300
San Mateo, CA 94404-2055
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Mailing Address: N/A
Contact: Laurine Garrity, Executive VP
Telephone: 650-425-9356
Website: FISHERINVESTMENTS.COM  (Links to external websites are for informational purposes only. The information on external websites is believed accurate but not guaranteed.)
Employer Size Class: 1,000-4,999 Employees
Industry Description: Portfolio Management and Investment Advice (NAICS code: 523940)

This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in managing the portfolio assets (i.e., funds) of others on a fee or commission basis and/or providing customized investment advice to clients on a fee basis. Establishments providing portfolio management have the authority to make investment decisions, and they derive fees based on the size and/or overall performance of the portfolio. Establishments providing investment advice provide financial planning advice and investment counseling to meet the goals and needs of specific clients, but do not have the authority to execute trades.

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