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Census of Employment & Wages (ES202)[Top]
Industry LevelIndustry CodeIndustry TitleYearTime PeriodOwnershipNo. of FirmsAvg EmpAvg Weekly WagesTotal Wages
43151 Apparel Knitting Mills 20231st QtrPrivate35664$1,410$12,181,720
43152 Cut and Sew Apparel Manufacturing 20231st QtrPrivate1,87225,133$1,182$386,346,523
43159 Accessories and Other Apparel Mfg 20231st QtrPrivate2102,009$1,154$30,146,542
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Details for Cut and Sew Apparel Manufacturing not Available. Data at a higher Industry level has been displayed.

Industry Projections of Employment[Top]
Industry LevelIndustry CodeIndustry TitleEmploymentAnnual Growth
Rate %
0000000Total, All Industries 16,187,90018,951,5002,763,6001.6

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