Local Area Profile

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 Step A. Select a geographic area 

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county map

 Step B. Select types of information for the above chosen geographic area 

 Select All
Employment and Wages
   Unemployment Rate and Labor Force (Not Seasonally Adjusted)
   Employment by Industry (Not Seasonally Adjusted)
   Occupations with Fastest Job Growth (% change)
   High Wage Occupations
Economic Indicators
   Building Permits (US Census Bureau)
   Consumer Price Index (US BLS & Calif. DIR)
   Median Price of Existing Homes Sold
   State Revenues by Source
   Taxable Sales (Calif. Board of Equalization)
Population and Census Data
   Measures of Income
   County-to-County Commute Patterns (US Census Bureau)
General Information
   Area Description
   Job Openings from JobCentral National Labor Exchange
   Training Providers in Area

 Step C. Select number of results for each category 

Show maximum of  results.