Occupations with Fastest Job Growth (% change) in California
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Cooks, Restaurant2020 - 2030123,500215,60092,10074.6
Manicurists and Pedicurists2020 - 203032,40055,30022,90070.7
Amusement and Recreation Attendants2020 - 203031,60053,20021,60068.4
Ushers, Lobby Attendants, and Ticket Takers2020 - 20306,0009,9003,90065.0
Fitness Trainers and Aerobics Instructors2020 - 203030,20049,30019,10063.2
Bartenders2020 - 203038,20062,40024,20063.4
Solar Photovoltaic Installers2020 - 20306,1009,9003,80062.3
Entertainment Attendants and Related Workers2020 - 203052,40084,30031,90060.9
Personal Appearance Workers2020 - 203070,800112,40041,60058.8
Massage Therapists2020 - 203013,50021,1007,60056.3