Occupations with Fastest Job Growth (% change) in Imperial County
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Self-Enrichment Education Teachers2020 - 2030307040133.3
Entertainment Attendants and Related Workers2020 - 203011021010090.9
Cooks, Restaurant2020 - 203024045021087.5
Nurse Practitioners2020 - 2030701306085.7
Bartenders2020 - 2030601105083.3
Dining Room, Cafeteria, and Bartender Helpers2020 - 2030901506066.7
Amusement and Recreation Attendants2020 - 203030502066.7
Respiratory Therapists2020 - 203030502066.7
Speech-Language Pathologists2020 - 203030502066.7
Septic Tank Servicers and Sewer Pipe Cleaners2020 - 203030502066.7