Occupations with Fastest Job Growth (% change) in Solano County
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Veterinary Assistants/Laboratory Animal Caretakers2018 - 20281001707070.0
Veterinarians2018 - 2028601004066.7
Weighers, Measurers, Checkers, and Samplers2018 - 202832051019059.4
Water Transportation Workers2018 - 2028701104057.1
Taxi Drivers and Chauffeurs2018 - 202838057019050.0
Respiratory Therapists2018 - 20281502207046.7
Speech-Language Pathologists2018 - 20281101605045.5
Phlebotomists2018 - 20281602307043.8
Physician Assistants2018 - 20281402006042.9
Recreational Therapists2018 - 202850702040.0