Occupations with Fastest Job Growth (% change) in North Valley Region
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Cooks, Restaurant2020 - 20306701,03036053.7
Physical Therapist Assistants2020 - 203050702040.0
Bartenders2020 - 203035048013037.1
Medical and Health Services Managers2020 - 203032043011034.4
Public Relations Managers2020 - 203030401033.3
Soil and Plant Scientists2020 - 203030401033.3
Occupational/Physical Therapist Assistants/Aides2020 - 2030901203033.3
Nurse Practitioners2020 - 2030901203033.3
Coaches and Scouts2020 - 203060802033.3
Physician Assistants2020 - 203060802033.3