Unemployment Rate and Labor Force (Not Seasonally Adjusted) in State of California
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Prattville CDP2024Not AdjNot PrelimFeb20101053.3
Prattville CDP2024Not AdjNot PrelimMar10101050.0
Clio CDP2024Not AdjNot PrelimApr70303049.3
Prattville CDP2024Not AdjNot PrelimApr10101046.2
Richgrove CDP2024Not AdjNot PrelimFeb1,00060040040.3
Keddie CDP2024Not AdjNot PrelimFeb30201040.0
Chinese Camp CDP2024Not AdjNot PrelimFeb30201039.4
Richgrove CDP2024Not AdjNot PrelimMar90060040039.0
Terra Bella CDP2024Not AdjNot PrelimFeb60040020038.7
Richgrove CDP2024Not AdjNot PrelimJan1,00060040038.6