Occupation Explorer

To find information about a particular occupation, first select an occupation by drilling down through occupation groups. The Drill Down method helps find occupations by successively narrowing occupational groups.
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 Select an Occupation from the list 


 Select an Occupation from the Occupation Categories 

After going through the occupation categories, to select an occupation, click on the occupation title
  Architecture and Engineering Occupations
  Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media
  Building, Grounds, and Maintenance Occupations
  Business and Financial Operations Occupations
  Community and Social Services Occupations
  Computer and Mathematical Occupations
  Construction and Extraction Occupations
  Education, Training, and Library Occupations
  Farming, Fishing, and Forestry Occupations
  Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations
  Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
  Healthcare Support Occupations
  Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations
  Legal Occupations
  Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations
  Management Occupations
  Military Specific Occupations
  Office and Administrative Support Occupations
  Personal Care and Service Occupations
  Production Occupations
  Assemblers and Fabricators
  Food Processing Workers
  Metal Workers and Plastic Workers
  Other Production Occupations
  Plant and System Operators
  Printing Workers
  Supervisors, Production Workers
  Textile, Apparel, and Furnishings Workers
  Protective Service Occupations
  Sales and Related Occupations
  Transportation and Material-Moving Occupations