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Employment Development Department

Labor Market Information

California Size of Firm Report, 1999 - Sacramento PMSA (El Dorado, Placer and Sacramento Counties)

Table 4
Reporting Units, UI Insured Employment, and UI Insured Payroll
by Size of Firm (Private Industry)
Classified by Standard Industrial Classification Division
Third Quarter, 1999

NOTE: These data extend to the right. Print using landscape and 8.5 by 11 inch paper.
Number of reporting units with specified number of employees
MSA and Industry Total 0 to 4 5 to 9 10 to 19 20 to 49 50 to 99 100 to 249 250 to 499 500 to 999 1000
or more
Reporting Units 43,934 27,680 6,734 4,381 3,229 1,131 598 117 42 22
Reporting Units 1,205 756 193 137 75 34 9 1 0 0
Employment 10,313 1,065 1,262 1,806 2,228 2,315 [2] [1] 0 0
Total Wages
(in thousands)
$49,567 $4,866 $5,562 $8,870 $11,174 $12,605 [2] [1] $0 $0
Reporting Units 27 13 7 2 4 1 0 0 0 0
Employment 258 18 48 [1] 102 [1] 0 0 0 0
Total Wages
(in thousands)
$3,349 $240 $526 [1] $1,123 [1] $0 $0 $0 $0
Reporting Units 4,582 2,845 722 459 369 117 61 7 2 0
Employment 46,560 3,815 4,811 6,258 10,942 8,119 8,553 [2] [1] 0
Total Wages
(in thousands)
$410,287 $25,987 $34,275 $50,469 $99,875 $76,712 $80,180 [2] [1] $0
Reporting Units 1,579 720 283 224 195 81 50 15 4 7
Employment 49,639 1,050 1,912 3,067 5,840 5,606 7,372 5,172 2,891 16,729
Total Wages
(in thousands)
$630,779 $12,914 $14,219 $24,746 $50,268 $48,852 $74,809 $49,467 $42,773 $312,731
Reporting Units 1,196 650 160 151 108 66 42 17 2 0
Employment 26,190 935 1,061 2,051 3,522 4,610 6,269 [2] [1] 0
Total Wages
(in thousands)
$270,182 $6,818 $7,008 $16,393 $34,662 $48,216 $55,836 [2] [1] $0
Reporting Units 2,176 1,111 414 329 214 68 35 5 0 0
Employment 26,977 1,708 2,704 4,524 6,424 4,673 5,203 1,741 0 0
Total Wages
(in thousands)
$253,528 $17,649 $23,952 $39,583 $61,486 $45,802 $54,634 $10,423 $0 $0
Reporting Units 7,981 3,442 1,712 1,268 1,058 319 159 20 3 0
Employment 120,699 5,499 11,620 17,085 32,581 22,255 22,908 6,695 2,056 0
Total Wages
(in thousands)
$584,307 $27,119 $47,377 $66,164 $132,612 $119,149 $143,258 $36,879 $11,749 $0
Reporting Units 3,677 2,343 653 330 209 75 42 12 7 6
Employment 50,458 3,700 4,200 4,441 6,568 5,321 6,560 4,594 5,345 9,729
Total Wages
(in thousands)
$500,664 $29,083 $37,667 $44,210 $77,847 $60,100 $59,979 $58,033 $44,238 $89,506
Reporting Units 21,511 15,800 2,590 1,481 997 370 200 40 24 9
Employment 189,132 18,328 17,040 19,668 30,104 26,008 29,743 13,789 16,983 17,469
Total Wages
(in thousands)
$1,431,342 $116,763 $123,234 $146,535 $226,384 $187,741 $222,325 $105,385 $148,440 $154,535

[1] Data are confidential because there are fewer than three reporting units in this category or one or two employers make up 80 percent of the employment within the cell.

[2] Data are suppressed because confidential data could be extrapolated if those totals were included.

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