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Employment Development Department

Labor Market Information

California Size of Business Report, 2000
Salinas MSA (Monterey County)

Table 4
Number of Businesses, Number of Employees, and Third Quarter Payroll
by Size Category (Private Industry)
Classified by Standard Industrial Classification Division
Third Quarter, 2000

NOTE: These data may extend to the right. Print using landscape and 8.5 by 11 inch paper.
Size Categories
Industry  Total   0 to 4   5 to 9   10 to 19   20 to 49   50 to 99   100 to 249   250 to 499   500 to 999   1000 + 
No. of Businesses 10,315 6,141 1,704 1,175 782 270 169 48 19 7
No. of Businesses 847 324 136 126 102 49 65 29 12 4
No. of Employees 47,446 500 921 1,720 3,251 3,409 10,376 10,321 8,392 8,556
Payroll (in thousands) $263,854 $6,618 $5,839 $12,210 $22,356 $24,276 $53,295 $53,170 $33,821 $52,269
No. of Businesses 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
No. of Employees 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Payroll (in thousands) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
No. of Businesses 867 531 164 101 51 16 3 1 0 0
No. of Employees 6,589 848 1,081 1,400 1,440 1,049 [2] [1] 0 0
Payroll (in thousands) $59,777 $5,956 $8,116 $11,962 $14,734 $12,048 [2] [1] $0 $0
No. of Businesses 290 114 52 50 35 14 17 3 5 0
No. of Employees 10,323 208 346 699 1,053 912 2,592 1,202 3,311 0
Payroll (in thousands) $115,365 $1,604 $2,545 $6,252 $9,335 $8,823 $24,026 $9,189 $53,591 $0
No. of Businesses 360 176 79 41 42 15 6 1 0 0
No. of Employees 4,948 271 529 555 1,326 1,009 [2] [1] 0 0
Payroll (in thousands) $48,127 $2,221 $4,334 $4,751 $11,753 $9,107 [2] [1] $0 $0
No. of Businesses 472 229 95 83 47 12 5 0 1 0
No. of Employees 5,631 427 621 1,136 1,428 783 [2] 0 [1] 0
Payroll (in thousands) $56,729 $5,429 $7,426 $11,735 $15,779 $7,966 [2] $0 [1] $0
No. of Businesses 2,016 788 485 355 268 93 23 4 0 0
No. of Employees 28,392 1,524 3,280 4,763 8,094 6,286 3,221 1,224 0 0
Payroll (in thousands) $138,215 $7,189 $15,081 $20,266 $36,495 $36,968 $16,291 $5,925 $0 $0
No. of Businesses 677 459 111 58 32 9 6 1 0 1
No. of Employees 6,372 768 725 774 926 641 911 [1] 0 [1]
Payroll (in thousands) $65,281 $6,785 $6,021 $8,170 $13,461 $6,448 $7,377 [1] $0 [1]
No. of Businesses 4,786 3,520 582 361 205 62 44 9 1 2
No. of Employees 37,150 4,202 3,799 4,816 6,296 4,331 6,694 3,117 [1] [1]
Payroll (in thousands) $260,978 $27,361 $27,523 $35,072 $44,421 $25,971 $38,726 $21,561 [1] [1]

[1] Data are confidential because there are fewer than three businesses in this category, or one employer makes up 80 percent of the employment within the cell.
[2] Data are suppressed because confidential data could be extrapolated if those totals were included.

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