Labor Market Information (LMI) Customized Data Services

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About the LMI Customized Data Service

The EDD Labor Market Information website offers a nearly comprehensive array of all non-confidential labor market data and analytical products readily available for customers to download. However, we also have a fee based customized data service available for organizations and businesses that produce customized reports, data runs, technical assistance, training, and geographic analyses or maps to help you make better decisions or better inform your audience. To request customized services, data, or for more information about what we offer, start with your local Labor Market Researchers. You can find them at: The consultant can help you define your needs personally or refer you to staff specialists when appropriate. EDD/LMID staff will provide an estimate of any costs associated with the work, as well as an estimate of the time it would take to complete the work.

Benefits of the LMI Customized Data Service

  • Ensure a Business Advantage
    You save time and money when you go to the Labor Market Information Division. Labor Market Researchers have experience working with employment data and are skilled in research methods and data presentation services. You can gain valuable insight into the latest economic and employment trends when you use our data and professional services. Our researchers can help you gain a business advantage.

  • Benefit from High Quality Research Services
    You receive high quality research services without having to invest in full time research staff. Expect data that is focused, organized, and customized to the particular area that meets your specific objectives.

  • Access Local Expert Advice
    Located throughout the State, our Labor Market Researchers work in the local communities they serve. Researchers can help you track employment trends, project future employment conditions, and provide or connect you to other research services available in Labor Market Information Division, such as Geographic Information System (GIS) mapping tools. Call your local Labor Market Researcher for more information.

Getting Started

  • How to submit a request
    Upon request, EDD/LMID staff works with customers to provide custom data tabulations for customers requiring greater industry or geographic detail than published on the web site. Customers may request detailed tabulations of employment, payroll, and/or number of employers by ZIP code, county, or state, as well as by industry. Historical data are available by quarter from 1990. Other custom tabulations including mapped and/or geo-coded data, industry-specific staffing patterns for a local area, special occupational wage tabulations, and occupational skills tabulations/ analyses may also be available.

    All tabulations are screened for confidentiality as required by law. To request customized data runs, start with your local Labor Market Researcher. You can find them As needed, they will respond to your need personally, or refer you to staff specialists, and provide an estimate of any costs associated with the work, as well as an estimate of the time it would take to complete the work.

  • Confidential Data Requests
    Data are considered confidential when they have information about a specific business or individual. Confidential information is not released to the general public. The law provides limited instances in which confidential data may be released. For instance, LMID may provide confidential information to government agencies or their contractors for economic planning and development purposes. Recipients of confidential data may use it only for statistical purposes and are restricted from releasing it to unauthorized parties.

    To make a request or learn more about obtaining confidential data regulations and requirements, call (916) 262-2162 and ask to speak to the Confidential Data Coordinator.

**Custom Data Service policy change notice: Effective July 1, 2015, the Labor Market Information Division (LMID) will be expanding the application of the existing fee-based customized data service to cover more products. The major change to the policy eliminates the gratis first hour of processing customized data sets. Therefore, the LMID may begin to request reimbursement for the developmental costs of custom products and research services.