Training and Apprenticeships Information

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The EDD Labor Market Information Division provides data and information for educators and training facility administrators to help determine which occupations and skills they should provide training for. Find other related resources in Jobs and Training.

We maintain a comprehensive listing of training providers and the programs they offer. Select one of the options below to start your search:

  • Eligible Training Provider List
    A list of training providers who are eligible to receive WIOA funding through Individual Training Accounts (ITAs). Includes locations, fees, programs, occupations, and apprenticeship programs.

  • America's Job Center of California SM
    Your local America's Job Center of California SM can help you identify potential sources for training.
  • Cal Grant
    Cal Grant awards are state funded monetary grants given to students to help pay for college expenses. And you do not have to pay them back!

  • I Can Afford College
    Information on financial aid to attend California Community Colleges.

  • Cash for College
    Ideas and links to programs from the California Student Aid Commission.

  • California Employment Training Panel
    The California Employment Training Panel offers programs for small businesses who otherwise may have no means to train their workers.

The listing of a training institution in the EDD databases is voluntary. Here’s how to add your school:

In addition, training providers may be eligible to receive funding through the Employment Training Panel to provide specific training programs.