Local Workforce Development Areas (LWDA) in California

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LWDA Definition

The Local Workforce Development Area (LWDA) Administrators administer the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) services as designated by the Governor. Factors that are considered in designating these LWDAs include geographic location, population, and commonality of labor market areas. If you are interested in obtaining additional information on the WIOA program, please contact a LWDA near you from the LWDA Directory list. See the LWDA boundary maps on this page for more information about the areas that are included in a specific LWDA.

Labor Force Data for LWDA

Each month the Employment Development Department releases revised and preliminary not seasonally adjusted civilian labor force, and unemployment rates for Local Workforce Development Areas (LWDA - Local Areas). Estimates of employment by industry are not available. The last data released was for December 2024. For a complete schedule of future data releases, please visit the Release Schedule.

(Requires Adobe Reader ):

2024: Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec

2023: Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec

Annual Averages: 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | Historical Data

About These Data

Only not seasonally adjusted civilian labor force, and unemployment rates is released for Local Workforce Development Areas (LWDA - Local Areas) each month. Estimates of employment by industry are not available. For more information about the unemployment rate and labor force data collection and calculation methodology visit, About the Labor Force data, Methodology for Generating Labor Force Data and Labor Market Information FAQs.

Data Limitations

Some LWDA are composed of individual or a group of cities. Only not seasonally–adjusted labor force (unemployment rates) data are developed for these areas. Estimates of employment by industry are available for counties or MSA only.

Monthly sub–county data are derived by multiplying current estimates of county–wide employment and unemployment by the respective employment and unemployment shares (ratios) in each sub–county area. Sub–county labor force is then obtained by summing employment and unemployment. That result is then divided into the unemployment to calculate the unemployment rate. Sub-county areas are based on the 2010 Census. 

This method assumes that the rates of change in employment and unemployment are exactly the same in each sub–county area as at the county level (i.e., that the ratios are still accurate). If this assumption is not true for a specific sub–county area, then the estimates for that area may not be representative of the current economic conditions. Since this assumption is untested, caution should be employed when using these data.

LWDA Boundary Maps

LWDA Statewide Map with AJCCs
This map includes the Local Workforce Development Areas (LWDA), America's Job Center of CaliforniaSM locations, and major highways.
LWDA Boundary Map
This map shows the LWDA boundaries effective July 1, 2022.
EDD and AJCC Office Locator Map
This map application was created by EDD’s Information Technology Branch (ITB). You can search for an America’s Job Center of CaliforniaSM, Disability Insurance, Tax, or Veterans Services office near you by selecting the type of office you are looking for, and entering a ZIP Code, city and state, or address.

Other LMI Data for LWDA

Data for Other Areas

Additional Information