Monthly Data Release

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Each month the EDD Labor Market Information Division (LMID) releases revised and preliminary civilian labor force, unemployment rates, and industry employment by geography for California, metropolitan areas, counties, and sub-county areas. These data and interactive tools are updated monthly at the time of the official EDD Press Release. The last data released was for June 2024. Please refer to the EDD Data Release Schedule to see the next planned update.

Monthly EDD Press Release

View a Statewide or a County Press Release:
Data for areas on the drop down list that have an * after the name offer multi-county Metropolitan Area data only.

Current Month Data

Unemployment Rate and Labor Force Data for:

Labor Force Data only for:

Industry Employment and Labor Force Data for:


Interactive Data Tools

  • Top Statistics
    Top Statistics include some of the most frequently researched labor market statistics for California.
  • Interactive Labor Force and Unemployment Rate Maps
    The map displays non-seasonally adjusted data for all 58 counties and 21 major cities ranked by population size.
  • Economic Indicators
    The California Economic Indicators page provides up-to-date data and trends on the State and local labor markets.

Analysis and Reports

  • LMI Publications Library
    The Employment Development Department (EDD) produces several Labor Market Information (LMI) publications that are available to the public online. These publications are generally produced weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annually. Occasionally, the EDD will produce special reports to inform the public of important economic trends.

Additional Data